3/26/2020 12:21 PM
If you're following the CDC's recommendations, which we fully endorse, there's a good chance you're reading this from the comfort of your home. While it is wise to practice social distancing, isolation, and (in some cases) quarantine to protect yourself and others from getting sick, did you know that the air quality in your home may already be affecting your immune system?
3/25/2020 11:48 AM
Many will start working from home if they haven’t been already, which makes right now the perfect time to perform or finish those home improvement projects you’ve been talking about forever! Here are some great, easy and simple ideas for home improvement during Covid-19!
3/18/2020 11:43 AM
With everything that is happening right now in our world, it’s especially important we are taking care of our homes and families. Although this is a scary time, you should be able to feel safe in your own home! The first step in doing this is to make sure your home is as clean and healthy as it can be. As homeowners, there are steps we can take to ensure you and your family's safety. Here are some tips on how to keep your home germ-free
1/28/2020 2:43 PM
As we move into 2020, smart homes and smart home devices are becoming quite popular among homeowners. These devices are a great benefit to your home! Smart home devices can help save homeowners money in a great variety of ways, but nothing quite as much as your home’s heating and cooling.
1/10/2020 10:23 AM
With electrical systems comes potential danger. You probably remember growing up watching commercials about electrical safety with messages such as; “don’t put your fingers in the wall outlet.”Whether it’s faulty wiring or an overload of power outlets, electrical systems can lead to dangerous situations, including fires.
1/7/2020 11:46 AM
A common mistake that homeowners make is putting things down their plumbing pipes that are harmful to their plumbing system. There are items that are okay to flush or pour down, while there are others that are a no go. Here are some things you should NEVER put down your home plumbing pipes.
11/20/2019 12:08 PM
Here's why you'll need the help of a residential electrician to switch your gas stove to an electric unit!
10/30/2019 11:32 AM
Here are five fun facts about plumbing Omaha you may not have known.
10/23/2019 11:28 AM
Try these few adjustments to ensure your electrical bill is as low as possbile.
10/16/2019 11:18 AM
Here's how and when to clean your household appliances to keep them running longer.