It is time to start switching out your closet from shorts to sweaters, from flip-flops to boots, and from t-shirts to parkas. The Air Conditioning is going to be turned off, and the Heating will be kicking on. It is important to prep your furnace for fall and winter before it is too late. Your system could need repairs, if you don’t know before it is too late, you and the family will be wearing extra layers in your house.
Here are the best ways to prep your furnace for the colder weather months!
Make Sure You Replace The Filter
At ServiceOne, we recommend you change your filter every month. This keeps dust and debris from settling in the filter.
Turn Your Furnace On
This may seem silly, but this is the first step needed. Do not wait for the weather to change. This is because you may need repairs done without even realizing it. Once it is on, make sure it doesn’t smell like something is burning. There are a number of different smells when it comes to your furnace. It is important to know which smell means something it wrong or fine.
It is also important to listen to how the system is running. After the first hour, if it sounds like it is struggling, call a professional at ServiceOne for advice, and a possible repair.
Determine If Your Ducts Need To Be Cleaned
Once the furnace has been turned on, notice if anyone is sneezing or feeling sick. This can be caused by dust or mold building up inside your system. If this is the case, it can cause the system to work twice as hard; which can result in the system dying before it should. The only time a duct needs serious cleaning is when:
- Vermin have invaded.
- The ducts are clogged with an excessive amount of dust and debris.
- There is a visible amount of mold growth.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency gives a comprehensive list from when you should get your duct cleaned to health problems.
Change The Temperature On Your Thermostat
Set back your thermostat so it automatically lowers the temperature while you’re at work and sleeping; this goes for all thermostats. If you have an older thermostat, make sure to get it inspected to see if it is working properly.
Call The Professionals
For advice or for serious issues with your heating system, call ServiceOne. At ServiceOne, we have a 22-Point Furnace Inspection. This is a list of what we check while in your home. It is important to do regular check-ups for your heating and cooling systems, and for a trained professional to always take care of this. DIYs when it comes to these types of systems can become dangerous.
We are more than happy to assist you in making sure your heating system is ready for the cold weather months that are ahead of us.